Saturday, January 30, 2010

8 inches and still snowing!

We had a real snow here in Summerfield last night and today. We woke up to around 8 inches on the ground this morning, was in the low 20s, and remained there most of the day. We tried to take Sarah Gray out for a little bit, but the blowing ice and snow was a bit much for her baby cheeks, so we didn't try to go out again until early evening when the wind had died down, and a light snow was falling. We spread out bird seed early in the day so we were able to watch all types of birds enjoy our backyard, and this evening SG and I spread out corn for the deer, turkey, and rabbits (see pic below) tomorrow we can track their footprints through the snow. We are looking forward to a sunny day tomorrow and sledding with the neighbors. We kept little Katherine inside today...she watched her sister through the window and wanted to go out so bad, so hopefully tomorrow she will get her turn on the sled !

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